Ultra EMS Battery Monitoring Systems

29 Jan Ultra EMS Battery Monitoring Systems

James Lasurdo, Product Manager Ultra EMS and John Knott, President JD Technologies, LLC.

The Boeing Dreamliner battery investigation has now changed focus to the battery monitoring system *Ref(1). In our minds this underscores the importance of monitoring batteries. Although the specific application is different Ultra EMS’ vehicle power and battery monitoring systems offer benefits that include reduced life cycle cost while enhancing safety – identifies faulty batteries so that defective batteries are replaced; Critical power threshold – crew alerts can be developed per customer requirements; Power consumption monitoring – provides accurate time remaining measurements for silent watch applications. http://www.ultra-ems.com/battery-monitoring-systems.php

*Ref (1): http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505123_162-57566103/boeing-dreamliner-probe-change-focus-to-battery-monitoring-system/

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