Absolute Manufacturing Introduces ZEISS Eclipse CMM
Equipped with a Renishaw PH20 Probehead

25 Jul Absolute Manufacturing Introduces ZEISS Eclipse CMM
Equipped with a Renishaw PH20 Probehead

Jon LaBarre, President Roanwell Corporation, dba Absolute Manufacturing

ZEISS Eclipse CMM Renishaw PH20 ProbeheadWe are proud to introduce the new members of our team, ZEISS Eclipse with a Renishaw PH20 probehead. This will greatly improve the precision and efficiency of the parts produced at Absolute and ushers a new era of quality assurance for Absolute. We look forward to utilizing them in providing you with the highest quality components that you deserve.

The ZEISS Eclipse is a bridge-type coordinate measuring machine (CMM) that has a measuring range of 28x28x24 inches and a measurement accuracy down to 1.9µm. The system is built with ceramic X and Z axis beams, solid granite table and 3-Axis air bearings. It incorporates Nikon CMM Manager which features automatic tip calibration, ASME Y14.5 standards, alignment on rectilinear & organic surface, text & graphical reports and reverse engineering support.

The CMM has been retrofitted with a state-of-the-art, 5-axis Renishaw PH20 probehead, Renishaw T5 Controller, TCR20 Probe Rack and a brand new Renishaw Tonic Encoder with precision up to 100 nm (0.1 µm). The Renishaw PH20 probehead has a swing range of 230° ensuring the most accurate measurement of every surface and is a staggering improvement to the PH10, outpacing it by 3:1 in measurement speeds:

“We always look forward to the exciting challenges our customers bring to us, and always strive to beat any expectations. The CMM upgrade will allow us to verify our quality and ensure that our customers will get the best that Absolute can offer,” President of Absolute Manufacturing, Jonathan LaBarre, has said.

CMM Specifications:

ZEISS Eclipse 2828-24 CMM

  • Measuring Range: 28″ x 28″ x 24″
  • Ceramic Bridge is Thermally Stable with High Dynamic Rigidity
  • 1.9+L/250 µm
  • Ceramic X, Y and Z Guide Ways
  • Frictionless Air Bearings
  • Granite Table with Threaded Inserts
  • Nikon CMM Manager Maximum Movement Speed: 3 rev/s (1281 mm/s)

Renishaw PH20 Probehead

  • Maximum Head Touch Speed: 50 mm/s
  • Angle Swing: -115° to 115° (230°)
  • Operating Temperature Range: 59°F to 95°F (15°C to 35°C)
  • Angular Resolution: 0.4 µRadians
  • 5-Axis Positioning
  • Rapid Inferred Calibration


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