AHRS-8 Attitude Heading Reference System

25 Sep AHRS-8 Attitude Heading Reference System

Joe Bannon, Business Development Manager at Sparton Navigation and Exploration

White Paper: AHRS-8 Product Brief

Our booth was well attended at the AUVSI Show in Vegas where we launched a new product called the AHRS-8. The data sheet is attached. This advanced MEMS navigation device is fully temperature calibrated and compensated across the entire operating range (-40C to 70C), has improved sensor fusion algorithm that provides real time noise characterizations of sensor inputs to improve performance in noisy environments (real time variance tracking), improved static accuracy (0.2 degrees RMS), and user selectable accelerometer range (4g or 8g).

  • John Knott
    Posted at 21:52h, 11 February Reply

    The Filter.4th NorthTek application for the ARHS-8 illustrates how to obtain the processed nav sensor data, make real time decisions based on that data, and output results based on that data. This program reads the current heading at startup and outputs a new heading only if the heading changes by more than 10 degrees. Easily extendable to other criteria, this program serves as a baseline for controlled output data based on conditions, rather than streaming data. Check out this application and more on Sparton’s web site

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