Lemons & Lemonade – JD Technologies, LLC Open for Business!

24 Mar Lemons & Lemonade – JD Technologies, LLC Open for Business!

This is not another communication saying that JD Technologies, LLC is practicing Social Distancing. We are, but at this point it all goes without saying. Although I do like to refer to it as Physical Distancing because one can be very social remotely. 

Most are familiar with the proverbial phrase When life gives you lemons, make lemonade which is used to encourage optimism and a positive can-do attitude in the face of adversity. Well the coronavirus is a big lemon to say the least. The lemonade from a JD Technologies, LLC and our valued principal’s perspective is how we are working with our customers and prospects during this pandemic. We are working tirelessly with both supply chain and engineering professionals in offering solutions and solving problems, the core of our consultative selling approach. Our supply chain professionals are inundated with trying to keep their supplier base working during the CV-19 shelter in place mandates. Some of their suppliers have DPAS (Defense Priorities and Allocations System) aka DX rated orders that must continue. We are in contact with our valued customers in supply chain helping with these issues and much more.


JD Technologies’ customer and prospect engineering professionals are working on new product developments and product / system enhancements that are on-going. They have gone remote thus creating an opportunity to continue our collaboration without interruption. In most cases doing it even more effectively since the extra free time enables them to really focus. We are finding that concurrent engineering is alive and well during this pandemic since our customer engineers are looking for something to accomplish while they are working remotely. The endless in-house meetings have been replaced with open quality time for being innovative and creative. Time that can be dedicated to new products and enhancements to existing products, systems and processes.


If you are an existing principal of JD Technologies rest assured that we have your best interests in mind as we have these ongoing valuable dialogs with customers and prospects. If you are thinking about engaging with JD Technologies to commence an extensive and effective field sales campaign, but thinking now is not the right time, now is the best time.


Best of luck as we work together to get through this and come out as an even better company and country.

About JD Technologies, LLC

JD Technologies LLC provides premium sales and marketing services to a group of high quality, complementary manufacturers of engineered services and products who serve the aerospace, military & defense, industrial and medical industries. They develop long term relationships with key customers who value the consultative style of selling and who wish to interface with sales professionals of high integrity. Their approach is to use proven consultative selling techniques. Consultative selling is a collaborative process that leads customers/prospects through an analysis of their current situation to a resulting improvement. For more information on JD Technologies, LLC, their products, services and their consultative selling methodology, visit www.jdtechsales.com.


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