Shark Week 2017

11 Jul Shark Week 2017

John Knott, President of JD Technologies, LLC

Who will win Shark Week’s Battle for Ocean Supremacy, Michael Phelps or the Shark?  You’ll have to tune into the Discovery Channel to find out but we know you will win with  JD Technologies, LLC and our principals! Our principals, the manufacturer’s we represent, support the development and production of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV). These vehicles like the SharkCam are used to carry out a specific set of instructions, or mission underwater without a human pilot. See more here.

Whether you are developing or producing UUV’s or any other device or system that goes underwater, on the ground or in the air, reach out to us for consultation and support.

Our principals involvement include Sparton who manufactures the Inertial System that is used on the UUV to help it navigate and complete its mission; e.g. finding the shark!, Automation Plastics who design, develop and produce injection molded parts and the associated tooling, Cypress Technologies an electronic contract manufacturer proficient at circuit card assemblies as well as box builds, WKW Extrusion who offers a material with high strength & stiffness and low CTE and Ultra EMS who produces the hardware and software to allow effective communication between the UUV and the humans on the surface. Enjoy Shark Week and think of us and our valued principals that help UUVs meet and exceed performance objectives. Visit the Discovery Channel Shark Week website here.

About JD Technologies, LLC – Provides premium sales and marketing services to a group of high quality, complementary manufacturers of engineered services and products who serve the industrial, aerospace, military, defense and medical industries. We develop long term relationships with key customers who value the consultative style of selling and who wish to interface with sales professionals of high integrity. Products and services include CNC Machining, Digital Compass, EMI Filters, Capacitors High Voltage, Hydraulic Components, Inertial systems, Permanent Magnets, Mechanical Assemblies, Metal Fabrications, NADCAP Fusion Welding, Pressure Sensors, Pressure Switches, Solenoid Valves and Temperature Sensors.


  • Randolph Sablich
    Posted at 17:41h, 17 July Reply

    “And….if you are a company in Texas and need a product and/or services of one of our Principals, we have two Reps who live in the DFW area who can come speak with you about what JD Technologies has to offer. Email JD Technologies or make a comment on this blog”.

  • Randolph J Sablich
    Posted at 19:16h, 17 July Reply

    What is the accuracy of the inertial system that is produced by Sparton? Do different models have different accuracies?

    • John Knott
      Posted at 19:40h, 17 July Reply

      The Dynamic Heading Accuracy is 1.0 degree RMS and the Static Heading Accuracy is 0.2 degrees RMS for the higher accuracy AHRS-M2. The unit price is around $1.500 each for low quantity. Now the AHRS-M1 at $500 is a fraction of the price with the Dynamic Heading Accuracy at 1.5 degree RMS and the Static Heading Accuracy at 1,o degrees RMS. So you see we have something for everyone!

  • John Knott
    Posted at 19:39h, 17 July Reply

    Randy, Very good question,, thank you for your interest. The Dynamic Heading Accuracy is 1.0 degree RMS and the Static Heading Accuracy is 0.2 degrees RMS for the higher accuracy AHRS-M2. The unit price is around $1.500 each for low quantity. Now the AHRS-M1 at $500 is a fraction of the price with the Dynamic Heading Accuracy at 1.5 degree RMS and the Static Heading Accuracy at 1,o degrees RMS. So you see we have something for everyone!

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